
1.32KB Tetris by Vzub Pnukem

2. Summary

3. Controls

3.1. Settings screen

3.2. Game

3.3. Pause screen

3.4. Game over screen

4. Features

  1. All tetrominoes
  2. Drop: soft drop
  3. Faster levels: speed = min(max(speed, score / 50), 9)
  4. Game over detection
  5. Game over screen: game over text
  6. Gravity
  7. Horizontal movement
  8. Level selection: start from speed 0 - 9
  9. Line clearing
  10. Line clear points:
    • Single: 1
    • Double: 3
    • Triple: 5
    • Tetris: 15
  11. Pause: pause emulation
  12. Piece preview: single piece
  13. Quit
  14. Retry
  15. Rotation
  16. Rotation direction selection: clockwise or counterclockwise
  17. Title screen

5. Bugs

  1. Sometimes speed doesn’t change

6. How to play

  1. Download the archive
  2. Download DOSBox
  3. Move Tetris.com to ~/dosgames
  4. Setup AUTOEXEC
  5. Run the command for your operating system:
    • Windows:
        dosbox -c Tetris
    • MacOS:
        /Applications/dosbox.app/Contents/MacOS/DOSBox -c Tetris