
Small Tetris by Tore Bastiansen

2. Summary

3. Command line arguments

usage: TETRIS [options]

    -l N: starting level (1-17) [default: 1]
    -p:   show piece preview

4. Controls

4.1. Game

4.2. Pause screen

4.3. Game over screen

5. Features

  1. All tetrominoes
  2. Colored pieces
  3. Drop: hard drop
  4. Drop points: fall_height / 2 * level
  5. Faster levels: speed = min(level, 17)
  6. Game over detection
  7. Game over screen: game over text
  8. Gravity
  9. Horizontal movement
  10. Level score multiplier
  11. Level selection: start from level 1 - 17
  12. Line clearing
  13. No bugs
  14. Pause: pause emulation
  15. Piece preview: single piece
  16. Piece preview selection: piece preview or not
  17. Placement points:
    • With piece preview: 1 * level
    • Without piece preview: 2 * level
  18. Retry
  19. Rotation
  20. Skip level
  21. Toggleable piece preview

6. Notes

7. How to play

  1. Download the archive
  2. Download DOSBox
  3. Move TETRIS.COM to ~/dosgames
  4. Setup AUTOEXEC
  5. Run the command for your operating system, with optional command line arguments:
    • Windows:
        dosbox -c "TETRIS [options]"
    • MacOS:
        /Applications/dosbox.app/Contents/MacOS/DOSBox -c "TETRIS [options]"