
Tetris by nitacku

2. Summary

3. Pause menu options

4. Controls

4.1. Game

4.2. Pause menu

4.3. Score menu

5. Features

  1. All tetrominoes
  2. Animations
  3. Drop: soft drop
  4. Faster levels: speed = level
  5. Game over detection
  6. Game over screen: animation
  7. Gravity
  8. High scores: top 3, in sub menu
  9. Horizontal movement
  10. Line clearing: animation
  11. Line clear points:
    • Single: 1000
    • Double: 3000
    • Triple: 6000
    • Tetris: 10000
  12. Pause: menu with restart, high scores and quit
  13. Persistent high scores: from OS
  14. Piece preview: single piece
  15. Quit
  16. Restart
  17. Retry
  18. Rotation

6. Bugs

  1. If you pause at the wrong time, you place the piece in the air
  2. Lines come down from the ceiling if you clear a line after placing a piece in the top 2 rows
  3. The game crashes at level 25
  4. The game over animation doesn’t play if you hold or
  5. You don’t fall if you hold or

7. How to play

After downloading the archive, the program can be run in one of these 2 ways:

7.1. WabbitEmu (Windows only)

  1. Download ti84se.rom
  2. Download WabbitEmu
  3. Open WabbitEmu
  4. Browse for ti84se.rom
  5. View > Enable skin
  6. Load TETRIS.8XP
  7. Run prgmTETRIS

7.2. TI-84

  1. Download TI Connect™ CE
  2. Open TI Connect™ CE
  3. Connect your calculator with a USB Mini-B cable
  4. Open Calculator Explorer Workspace
  5. Transfer TETRIS.8XP
  6. Run prgmTETRIS