
Tetris by mniip

2. Summary

3. Controls

4. Features

  1. All tetrominoes
  2. Colored pieces
  3. Drop: hard drop, couple frames lock
  4. Faster levels: speed = min(score / 20, 9)
  5. Game over detection
  6. Game over screen: game over text
  7. Gravity
  8. Horizontal movement
  9. Line clearing
  10. Line clear points:
    • Single: 1
    • Double: 4
    • Triple: 9
    • Tetris: 16
  11. No bugs
  12. No ceiling
  13. Piece preview: single piece
  14. Quit: terminate program
  15. Retry: automatic
  16. Rotation
  17. Sleep mode: from OS

5. How to play (MacOS only)

  1. Download the archive
  2. Run the following commands, replacing /path/to/tetris.lua:
     /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
     brew install lua
     lua /path/to/tetris.lua