
Tetris 4K by wiesi

2. Summary

4. Controls

4.1. Game

4.2. Pause screen

5. Features

  1. All tetrominoes
  2. Alternative drop
  3. Alternative rotation
  4. Drop
  5. Game over detection
  6. Game over screen: score
  7. Gravity
  8. High scores
  9. High scores with names
  10. Horizontal movement
  11. Line clearing
  12. Line clear points:
    • Single: 1
    • Double: 3
    • Triple: 6
    • Tetris: 10
  13. No bugs
  14. Pause
  15. Persistent high scores
  16. Piece preview: single piece
  17. Quit
  18. Restart
  19. Retry
  20. Rotation
  21. Sleep mode: from OS
  22. Title screen

5. How to play (Windows only)

  1. Download the archive
  2. Download Java
  3. Double click Tetris4K.jar