
Tetris 84 by Nice Zombies

2. Summary

3. Pause menu options

4. Controls

4.1. Game

4.2. Pause menu

5. Features

  1. All tetrominoes
  2. Alternative rotation
  3. Animations
  4. Drop: soft drop
  5. Drop points: 1 * fall_height
  6. Drought prevention: pieces are drawn from bags, except the first
  7. Easter eggs: hold queue starts with a long bar
  8. Faster levels: speed = min(level, 9)
  9. Game over detection
  10. Game over screen: fill animation, then pause
  11. Gravity
  12. High scores: top 3, updated (not refreshed) in real time
  13. Hold piece: swap with next piece, indicated with .
  14. Horizontal movement
  15. Level score multiplier: level + 1
  16. Level selection: start from level 0 - 9
  17. Line clearing: animation
  18. Line clear points:
    • Single: 40 * multiplier
    • Double: 100 * multiplier
    • Triple: 300 * multiplier
    • Tetris: 1200 * multiplier
  19. No bugs
  20. No ceiling
  21. Obstacle height selection: start with height 0 - 14
  22. Pause: menu with restart and quit
  23. Persistent high scores: from OS
  24. Piece preview: single piece
  25. Placement points: 1
  26. Placement transition: hide center of rotation
  27. Quit: shows stack
  28. Restart
  29. Retry
  30. Rotation
  31. Sleep mode: activates after 1000 ticks of inactivity on pause screen
  32. Visible center of rotation: indicated with +

6. How to play

After downloading the archive, the program can be run in one of these 2 ways:

6.1. WabbitEmu (Windows only)

  1. Download ti84se.rom
  2. Download WabbitEmu
  3. Open WabbitEmu
  4. Browse for ti84se.rom
  5. View > Enable skin
  6. Load ZOOM.8XP and TETRIS.8XP
  7. Run prgmZOOM
  8. Select prgm
  9. Run prgmTETRIS

6.2. TI-84

  1. Download TI Connect™ CE
  2. Open TI Connect™ CE
  3. Connect your calculator with a USB Mini-B cable
  4. Open Calculator Explorer Workspace
  5. Transfer ZOOM.8XP and TETRIS.8XP
  6. Run prgmZOOM
  7. Select prgm
  8. Run prgmTETRIS